Antibuse (Antabuse) Tablets

Antibuse - A Common Misspelling of Antabuse (Disulfiram)


Treatment of Alcohol Dependence with Antabuse (Antibuse)

Antibuse is a common misspelling of the well-knowm Antabuse medication which is widely used for the treatment of alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence all over the world.

antabuse bottle

  • How does it work?

  • When being taken, Antabuse (Antibuse) causes negative physical reactions in the person who consumes alcohol. They may stop the person from drinking more alcohol and help him or her quit drinking completely.

  • What is the mechanics?

  • In the system, alcohol is metabolized in two steps. First, it is changed into a very toxic substance called acetaldehyde. Then, acetaldehyde is oxidized further into a harmless acetic acid. Hangover symptoms are experienced on the first stage, when the body is stuffed with acetaldehyde. Antabuse (Antibuse) stops oxidizing acetaldehyde into acetic acid. That is why when the person ingests alcohol during Antabuse (Antibuse) treatment, the body accumulates 5 to 10 times more acetaldehyde as compared to the amount of it formed in the system when the same dose of alcohol is taken alone. As a result, the person feels very uneasy.

  • What sort of uneasiness does one experience?

  • Unpleasant reactions include: nausea and vomiting, sweating, extreme thirst, flushing, bad headache, heartbeat, chest pain, hypotension, weakness, trembling, dizziness, blurred vision, confusion and inhibition of thinking. In more severe cases, one may suffer from respiratory depression, cardiovascular collapse, myocardial infarction, acute congestive heart failure, unconsciousness, arrhythmias and convulsions. In very bad cases, combining Antabuse with alcohol may cause death.

  • But it is a real poison! Why should I use it?

  • You should only use it if you are fully aware of the consequences of combining alcohol and Antabuse (Antibuse), and you are definite about your decision to quit drinking. If you are going to use the medication in someone else, that person must know the details about Antabuse (Antibuse) treatment, too.

  • When should Antabuse (Antibuse) be avoided?

  • 1) Antabuse (Antibuse) should by no means be used in anyone with a story of serios cardiovascular problems, or psychosis. 2) Antabuse (Antibuse) should not be given to anyone with an allergy to Disulfiram. 3) Antabuse (Antibuse) should not be taken during the periods of alcohol intoxication. 4) Antabuse (Antibuse) should not be taken by pregnant women. 5) Antabuse (Antibuse) should never be combined with metronidazole. 6) Antabuse (Antibuse) should be used with caution in patients taking phenytoin and paraldehyde, amphetamines, warfarin, diazepam, amitriptyline, pethidine, morphine and antipyrine.

  • Does Antabuse (Antibuse) make drinking impossible?

  • Antabuse (Antibuse) just makes drinking unpleasant. Unfortunately, it does not reduce the person's craving for alcohol. It all depends on the person's determination to stay sober. Antabuse (Antibuse) is only effective if taken every day. If someone stops taking Antabuse (Antibuse), alcohol can be consumed without any risk of excessive hangover symptoms in just a few days when the medication is completely removed from the system. However, patients on Antabuse (Antibuse) do not develop tolerance to the medication, and the longer the period Antabuse (Antibuse) is taken, the more sensitive the patient becomes to alcohol.


  • How is Antabuse (Antibuse) taken?

  • Antabuse (Antibuse) can only be taken 24 hours or more after the last dose of alcohol.

    When using 200 Mg tablets, Antabuse (Antibuse) is initially taken 4 tablets (800 Mg) on the 1st day, 3 tablets (600 Mg) on the 2nd day, 2 tablets (400 Mg) on the 3rd day, and 1 tablet on the 4th day. Then half to one tablet (100-200 Mg) each day during the period determined by the physician.

    When using 250 Mg tablets, Antabuse (Antibuse) is initially taken 3 tablets (750 Mg) on the 1st day, 2 tablets (500 Mg) on the 2nd and 3rd day, and 1 tablet on the 4th day. Then half to one tablet (125-250 Mg) each day during the period determined by the physician.

    There exists a different schedule which demands using a maximum of 500 Mg of Antabuse (Antibuse) daily, which is given in a single dose for 1 to 2 weeks in the 1st phase of treatment. In the 2nd phase of treatment, the maintenance dose is 125 Mg to 250 Mg daily.



    Also known as:


    Other misspellings:



    antibuse 250mg tablet

    250 Mg tablet with "OP 706" index manufactured by Duramed Pharmaceuticals, Inc., subsidiary of Barr Pharmaceuticals, Inc., US


    © 2009